Combining #food with a #social project? Been there, done that! 💪❤️
From 2016 to 2019 I’ve been busy with my second family at KANTINE in der Brotfabrik, a job market political project working with target groups such as long term unemployed, 50+, refugees & day release prisoners. I had the honor to build a magnificent team that showed how much is possible if u create an environment of trust, empowerment and opportunities!
My vision was to create a safespace to learn and exchange our joint love for sharing cultures through food – and simply kickass with our daily lunch business and seminar & event catering! And hell, we did – which still makes me proud whenever I think back of my team.
But every story has its ending. I am deeply grateful for all the great experiences running this restaurant and all the guests, clients, neighbours and friends who have been rooting for us every step of the way.

© 2018 Roland Zygmunt

© 2014 Christoph Panzer

© 2014 Christoph Panzer

© 2017 Fransisca Tan
PROJECT: KANTINE in der Brotfabrik. Absberggasse 27, 1100 Wien
CLIENT: Caritas Services GmbH – Social Business der Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien
DATE: 09/2016-12/2019
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